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Interviews - Mangere Zone
All missionaries in the Mangere zone were interviewed by President Walker at the Robertson chapel. #interviews

Interviews - Auckland Zone
All missionaries in the Auckland zone were interviewed by President Walker at the Pah chapel. #interviews

Christmas Choir
Chinese Elders came by the mission home to sing Christmas songs in Chinese.

Service Project - Mt. Wellington Zone
From President Couch's (2nd Counselor to President Walker) facebook post: "Proud of our Auckland New Zealand Missionaries, Mount...

Interviews - Waitemata zone pt1
Missionaries in Waitemata zone were interviewed by President Walker. Here are some photos taken in between interviews. Sister Conmigo...

Temple Trip - Day 2
All missionaries in Mt. Wellington, Mangere, and Ferguson went to the Hamilton temple today. We met at the Robertson chapel at 6am. The...

Temple Trip - Day 1
All missionaries in Northland, Waitemata, and Auckland Zone went to the Hamilton temple today. We met at the Sunset chapel at 5:30am. ...

Zone Conference - family history hands on class
Here are some photos taken by family history consultants during the hands on class. Some missionaries found their ancestors' names to...

Zone conference - Northland Zone
All missionaries from Northland zone met at the Kamo chapel in Whangarei to attend the zone conference. The main focus of this zone...

Interviews-Northland zone
President Walker interviewed all the missionaries in Northland zone. #interviews
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