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Incoming Missionaries/Transfers
The New Zealand Auckland mission was blessed to have seven new missionaries today. Two from the Provo MTC: Sister Malo (from the US)...

Outgoing Missionaries
Missionaries finishing in November and December gathered at the mission home for breakfast, testimony meeting, lunch, and training (at...

Zone Conference - Northland Zone
Final Zone Conference for this transfer - Northland Zone was held at the Kamo chapel. #zoneconference

Interviews - Northland Zone
All missionaries in Northland zone were interviewed by President Walker at the Kamo chapel. It was a beautiful early Summer morning. We...

Outgoing Missionaries - November
Elder Ishmael and Elder Cowley's last day on their mission. Elder Cowley's family came from Hamilton to pick him up at the mission home....

Zone Conference - Waitemata & Mt. Wellington Zone
All missionaries from Waitemata zone and Mt. Wellington zone gathered at the Sunset chapel for zone conference. Fairwell to Elder Opeta. ...

Zone Conference-Ferguson Zone, Mangere Zone, and Auckland Zone
Missionaries from Ferguson Zone, Mangere Zone, and Auckland Zone met for Zone Conference at the Ferguson chapel. #zoneconference

Miscellaneous photos sent by missionaries
Sister Graf and Sister Fuimaono Elder Hou, Elder Sully, Sister Tony, Sister Palu, Sisster Graf, Sister Fuimaono Elder Leao, Elder Zacher,...

Here are some baptism photos from October (sent to us by missionaries). Sister Loneza and Sister Felila Sister Lubigan, Sister Turner,...

Interviews - Mt. Wellington
All missionaries at Mt. Wellington zone were interviewed by President Walker at the Lunn chapel. #interviews
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