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Outgoing Missionaries

Missionaries finishing in November and December gathered at the mission home for breakfast, testimony meeting, lunch, and training (at the area office).

Going home in November:

Elder Syndergaard, Sister Bates, Sister Tusa

Going home in December:

Elder Tupou, Elder Fonua, Elder Otuhouma, Elder Gu, Sister Romualdo, Sister Kapeli, Elder Kirisimasi, Elder Vaioa

After the training at the area office, Elder Syndergaard left for the airport to catch the flight back to the US, Sister Tusa will be leaving for Australia the following morning. Sister Bates was picked up by her parents.

Happy reunion with Sister Bates' mom and dad.

Those who were going home in December were picked up by their Zone leaders and Sister Training Leaders to get back to their assigned areas.


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