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Mission Leadership Council
All zone leaders and sister training leaders gathered at the mission home to attend the mission leadership council meeting. The meeting...

District Leaders Training
All district leaders except for those from the Kaikohe, Whangarei, and the Islands District gathered at the Mission home to get training...

Zone Conference - Kaikohe, Whangarei, Waitemata, Mt. Wellington
All missionaries in the Kaikohe, Whangarei,, Waitemata, and Mt. Wellington Zone attended the zone conference at the Sunset chapel. Lunch...

Zone Conference - Ferguson, Mangere, and Auckland Zone
All missionaries in the Ferguson, Mangere and Auckland Zone attended the zone conference at the Ferguson chapel. Lunch was catered by...

Transfer - Incoming
The New Zealand Auckland Mission welcomed new missionaries at the Robertson chapel. back row from the left Sister Sonomura - US Sister...

Transfer - Outgoing
All the missionaries who completed their mission met at the mission home. They had exit interviews with President Walker, had lunch...

2019 Mission Tour by President Ardern -Day 2 -Zone Conference
A special multi-zone Conference was presided over by President Ardern of the Seventy (President of the Pacific Area). Sister Ardern was...

2019 Mission Tour by President Ardern Day 1 - Zone Conference
A special multi-Zone Conference was presided over by President Ardern of the Seventy (President of the Pacific Area). Sister Ardern was...

2019 Mission Tour by President Ardern Day 1
Special Mission Leadership Council (MLC). On this day, a special MLC was presided over by President Ardern of the Seventy (President of...

Interviews - Northlands
President Walker interviewed ten missionaries in the Northlands zone at the Kamo chapel. #interviews
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