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Temple Trip - Day 2
All missionaries in Mt. Wellington, Mangere, and Ferguson went to the Hamilton temple today. We met at the Robertson chapel at 6am. The...

Temple Trip - Day 1
All missionaries in Northland, Waitemata, and Auckland Zone went to the Hamilton temple today. We met at the Sunset chapel at 5:30am. ...

Zone Conference - family history hands on class
Here are some photos taken by family history consultants during the hands on class. Some missionaries found their ancestors' names to...

Zone conference - Northland Zone
All missionaries from Northland zone met at the Kamo chapel in Whangarei to attend the zone conference. The main focus of this zone...

Interviews-Northland zone
President Walker interviewed all the missionaries in Northland zone. #interviews

Zone Conference - Mt. Wellington & Ferguson Zone
All missionaries from Mt. Wellington and Ferguson zone met at the Ferguson chapel to attend the zone conference. The focus of this zone...

Zone Conference - Waitemata zone, Auckland zone, Mangere zone
All missionaries in Waitemata, Auckland, and Mangere zone met at the Robertson chapel for the zone conference. The focus of this zone...

President team up
President Walker, Elder Plowman, Beni, Elder 'Ae Su'a President Walker teamed up with the Mt. Wellington Zone leaders. They taught the...

Takapuna Ward Christmas Dinner
President and Sister Walker attended the Takapuna Ward Christmas dinner. Missionaries were asked to sing "Mele Kalikimaka" (Hawaiian...

Sister Training Leaders Council
All Sister Training Leaders met at the mission home from 10am to noon to have a training for being leaders for sisters. Sisters shared...
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