Hamilton Temple Trip - day 3
Missionaries in the Northland zone and the Ferguson zone attended the Hamilton Temple.

We met at the Ferguson chapel at 7am. It was still dark outside. After everyone arrived the chapel, the bus finally left at 7:15am.
Photos in the bus:

The bus arrived at the Hamilton Temple at 9:00am. Everyone took a lot of photos. It was cold, but was a beautiful sunny day.

We attended 11am endowment session. The session ended at 1pm, but took 40 minutes for everyone to come out. Then we walked to Kai Hall where the lunch was served. Lunch was catered by Fussie Foodie. It was delicious!
Today's menu:
Main Thai Chicken Curry
Roast beef
Hot Veg Green peas
Potato Gratin
Salad Quinoa & Apple Salad
Panchetta & Iceberg Salad
Dessert Orange Mediterranean Cake
Coconut Pie
roll & butter

Since this was the last day of the temple trip, we had to clean up the hall after lunch. Everyone worked together and the clean up was done quickly.

After lunch, we visited the Pacific Church History Museum and the distribution center. Some people also visited the temple visitor center.

We arrived back to the chapel at 6pm, and everyone departed back to his/her area. It was a wonderful trip!